Ascorbic acid retention of freshly harvested seven Nigerian green leafy vegetables after soaking in water

SA Akande, ME Inana, EE Ugama, et al.


Vitamins are micronutrients needed in the body for important biologic functions. The current study examined the influence of steeping on vitamin C retention of seven Nigerian vegetable leaves after soaking for 8 h. One kilograme each was purchased and 6 lots of 100 g were sorte out, cleaned and treated as follow; whole leaf 1, whole leaf 2, sliced leaf 1, sliced leaf 2, sliced and salted leaf 1 and sliced and salted leaf 2. Each of the treatments 1 was soaked in 1 litre of distilled water while each of treatments 2 was soaked in 2 litres of distilled water. All treatments were kept for 8 h while monitoring the trend of reduction in vitamin C contents at 2 h intervals. Moisture (%) was determined following AOAC (2002) methods while dry matter content was estimated from moisture by calculating the difference. Ascorbic acid content (mg/100 g) was determined following the method of Ndawula et al. (2004). Result showed that; moisture, dry matter, and ascorbic acid contents of raw leaves ranged from 67.63–86.70%, 13.30–32.37%, and 103.00–1199.23 mg/100g respectively. During soaking, ascorbic acid retained by the seven green vegetables reduced as follows; 73.39–24.26% (Amaranthus viridis), 100.26–19.62% (Gnetum africanum), 129.05–27.72% (Gongronema latifolium), 66.84–7.55% (Ocimum gratissmum), 42.59–4.14% (Piper guinense), 77.38–10.26% (Pterocapus mildbedii) and 120.02–17.97% (Telfaria occidentalis). The study showed that ascorbic acid retention (%) of seven Nigerian green vegetable leaves decreased with increasing soaking duration.

Keywords: Nigeria, ascorbic acid, micronutrients, vegetable, soaking

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